Babyshambles monkey casino

Monkey Casino
Pipey Magraw
Pipey MagrawPipey MagrawPipey Magraw
You know that One's too many and a hundred ain't enough
For a commoner luck give me more oh that stuff o h baby
And Pipey Magraw
I Said Pipey MagrawThat's Pipey MagrawPipey Magraw
I run a monkey c asino
I gotta head full of bea no
I hear the voices of ev il
Telling me to do m urder
I got my false f eel
I got my false friends
I got my rum dea l
I got my soul tr ain
It's coming round the bend
And believe me
You know you wouldn't wann a be me
C#m D E
Nor would you want the s hame or the s train of my name
C#m D E
But if I can live m y life all over again
C#m D E
There's no thin g I'd chang e
Bilo, they call me Billy B ilo
C#m D E
I'm like a fish on a lilo, I' m all out of p lace
C#m D E
It's w ritten all o ver my f ace
Pipey Magraw
Pipey MagrawPipey MagrawPipey Magraw
D, A, E, A
Pipey magraw
Lalalalala A
Pipey Magraw
(Fades out sort of...)
Tabbed by the Badger King.