Bacilos cronica

We all escaped and got here
We all found a way to come
we arrived in this country
escaping to a lawless land
now everyone wants taco bell
and They sell arepas on the street in New York
and Mcgwire has to play it very well
because Samy Sosa approaches him and together with him
Latinos who play this American game well
/>But I am still the same
and my rhythm accompanies me
Some without papers, others come to study
some who marry anyone to stay
some on tires and boards by the sea
and others in first class
on American Airlines
others in first class
But I remain the same
And my rhythm accompanies me
Lets talk about a foreign affair
I used to work for ten cents a day
But here it is not like that hell no
I cannot sit here and cry
I got tomatoes to pick I must survive
You see I've got a wife, a lovely family
plus a thousand guests
And who are they?
A thousand cucarouaches screaming from the wall...< br/>Curarachas, the cockroach
And they give me an insect advice
Be careful, be careful, the migra will catch you