Balancing the Different kevlar

Your eyes cut right through me
Like the lead that tearing holes
How much pain can you take
Can you hold?
I can't disguise these feelings
That stills taking their toll
How much pain can you take
Can you hold?
Well, Good luck
Cuz this road is pretty fuck'd
I am living for
Why have you not done this before
It's kinda sucks when I am the only one
I trust
Everyone you know never gonna do
dear mouth
Wonder why I don't miss you anymore
Give me clothes
You pulling me down like a red tide
Gravity, I want a foot
Where's a foot size
3AM still wake
Trying to get high
We kinda lost touch
So I'll never get mine
Been gone on longwhile
But she don't mind
Transmission system go for a good night
It's been a year since I was here on a good vibe
You saying this so wrong but we are all right
Tell me all of the thing you have from through greap vine