Band of Brothers living in the country

Chorus: Let's go down to the well and draw some water /Eat a sandwich made of apple butter /Get mud on our boots in the chicken yard / Living in the country ain't so very hard.
Take your gal and give her a spin - You can't lose, you can only win. Give her a kiss, ah, give her a wink - Wash them dishes in the kitchen sink. Let's Go!
Make up a batch of bumbleberry jam - Moonshine liquor in an old tin can Kick that can right over the barn - Listen to your neighbor tell another yarn. Let's Go!
Chorus: Mend a fence, work real hard - Pay attention to your own back yard. / You got a song you wanna sing? Sing it loud - let it ring. Let's Go!
C'mon gal, sit with me - under that old apple tree Adam and Eve did it wrong - let's do it right all night long! Let's Go!