Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lizarraga el rosario de oro

What is the use of my troka
Armored if you have already pierced my heart
What is the use of going from party to party
With a hanging radio if I don't have your love
What is the use of pulling myself to the band
Playing corridos on the boardwalk
What is the use of my private escort if your indifference kills
Our love
The golden rosary that I bring cannot perform a miracle for me
/>Not even the wads of money for you to come back again
My friend
For being someone valuable in the company, he writes to you with love
My daughter
That What's the point of being the boss now and enjoying the prettier crowds? What's the point of being so powerful if you don't even look at me anymore? What's the point of joining the band? Playing corridos along the boardwalk
What good is my private escort and your indifference? I'm not even green about you coming back again
My friend
For being someone valuable in the company, he writes to you with
Honey, my daughter
What's the point that I'm the boss now? and enjoy the prettiest sexes
What's the point of being so powerful if you don't even look at me anymore