Barclay James Harvest, The see me see you

Barclay James Harvest, The
Everyone Is Everybody Else
See Me See You
Forgive me, child, i am sorry
I can't see your face
Forgive me, child, i am sorry
I can't hear your name
Take me, take you, lost in other worlds
Take me, take you, crazy boy, lonely girl
Far away, far away, what d'you say?
Far away, so far away
Hey jude
I was, you were, time was when i could
I knew you knew me
So light your light shining and star bright
Through you, through me, too
Take me, take you, lost in other worlds
Take me, take you, crazy boy, lonely girl
Far away, far away, what d'you say?
Far away, so far away
Hey jude