Barock Project spies

One time Iwas walking north along the shore
Feeling all my energy surrounding me
Winter seemed so far, I could no longer be
Trapped in some old memories of you and me
Seasons are mine when Iremember who I am
And this world is my home
Precious is the day everything leads me back again
I follow my spies oh
These are now words I believe are true
People fill my days, sometimes I feel abused
Little do they care whether I'm tight or loose
Won't wear your old leash of false morality
I'm staying far from the lie of your normality
This is why I feel Ibelong to somewhere else
I stand up and move on
See them fly by, nobody cares to say hello
And show their human side or soul
Hear the spies, be the one, lead on
We were born to be free from all
One light shines, another fades
This free fall, a spinning wheel
Would you say we need a change
Some other way to be
So if i ever lose my happy face will you
Expect me to live by your unwanted rules?
And finally somewhere far right up above the sea
The Skyline will appear to unveil the final scene.