Bata Illic judy

On the bridge she stood all alone
Looked sadly into the river.
Tears ran down her face
As if her heart was breaking with grief.
And I went to her and said quietly:
If you cry for a love today, tomorrow your pain will be a thing of the past.
I love you
In my dreams I have been yours for so long.
I love you
If you love me
You'll never be alone again!
And I asked her: "What happened?"
I can understand your worries well.
/>But don't worry too much about it
Tomorrow everything will look different.
The world is like a paradise
that is full of happiness and full of love
and is a piece of it just for you
you don't understand a lot of things today.
What I told her
that came true
our life is so wonderful
because the two of us are walking the path together 'n
and because I confess to her every day':