Battiato Franco amata solitudine

At that time you were, sure of yourself, of your logic,
driving and talking continuously...
and I, who was already no longer listening to you, (as if hypnotised),
followed the eyes that followed the colors,
the electric rays of the city.
Who knows what that movement is that unites and divides us,
and that pointless talking about our misunderstandings,
due to certain temporary discontent.
Beloved solitude,
blessed island.
At that time of you, I loved your logical thinking
and that perfect line of kissing,
the symmetry of your caresses;
Enlivened by the vibrant light of flavour:
Spark of a universal mind.
I was in you as an argument of your syllogistic love,
conclusion of a reasoning.
But I liked being like this,
enveloped by your artificial senses.
Now I'm floating...
Beloved solitude,
blessed island.
So it's over, I'm leaving you,
I continue the journey alone.
I see the sky colored with sunshine again,
alive again.
The light comes over the night
I open my eyes without you.