Battiato Franco caff de la paix

We wake up again in this current body
after having traveled within sleep.
The unconscious communicates to us with dreams
fragments of buried truths:
when I was a woman or a country priest
a mercenary or a family man.
This is why in a dream you see yourself a little different
and unknown places are familiar.
The names remain and the faces change
and the opposite: anything can happen.
How contagious and new the sky was....
and there was something more in the air.
Come and take a tea
at the Café of the Paix?
Come on, come with me.
I have to defend myself from poisonous snares
and I try to chase the sacred when I sleep
flying back to past eras
in courtyards, in spring .
The colored sands of a desert
the transparent banks of the streams.
Come and have a tea
at the Café of the Paix?
Come on, come with me.
Even today, the reindeer of the tundra
carry tribes of nomads
who travel thousands of kilometers in a year...
And looking at them they seem happy to me,
do they seem happy to you?