Benedictum thornz

Never ever gaze upon me
I will turn you to stone
Glacier ice runs in my veins
I'm a roseless thorn
Heartless doesn't even cover
Dark from the day you were born
You might say a roseless thorn
But i'm standing here and i'm a woman scorned
Like a slithering snake hidden deep in the weeds
You tore out my heart and you left me here to bleed
Like nails on a chalkboard your words became to me
I was so turned around didn't know my own name and i could barely breathe
Like oil and water we've become
The hurt has turned to hate and the damage done
For you have taken the better part of me
Now a roseless thorn and a woman scorned!
We will turn you to stone
Now i know we have reached this point of no return
Cuz i see in your eyes all the hate and how it burns
Now if i were you i would sleep with one eye open
For not only my heart but my trust now has been broken
Like oil and water we've become
And now the damage has been done
For you have taken the better part of me
Now a roseless thorn
And a woman scorned!
Like oil and water we've become
The hurt has turned to hate the damage done
For you have taken the better part of me
Now a roseless thorn and a woman scorned!
We will turn you to stone