Benny hey amigo charlie charlie brown

Wherever there are girls
blond or black
that's where he's at home.
he doesn't leave anyone out. Between Mexico and Paraguay
every beautiful girl believes
he is only faithful to her
oh Charlie.
Amigo Charlie.
Amigo Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown.< br/>Amigo Charlie
Amigo Charlie Brown
No one can trust you.
Why don't I hold it against him
Give him the last peso and move around with him?
he steals the light of day from the Lord
how is it possible
that everyone likes him.
And as soon as I find a really big one
he's already there.
/>and I got rid of her
and the next day he comes and grins
and says
what I did
was an act of friendship
oh Charlie.
Amigo Charlie.
Amigo Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown.
Amigo Charlie
Amigo Charlie Brown
No one can trust you.
Where there are girls
blond or black
that's where he's at home.
he doesn't leave anyone out. Between Mexico and Paraguay
every beautiful girl believes
he is only faithful to her
oh Charlie.
Amigo Charlie.
Amigo Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown.< br/>Amigo Charlie
Amigo Charlie Brown
No one can trust you.