Bernard Lavilliers bats toi

Sing until my voice cracks
Play until my fingers burn
Dance to ward off fate
Kiss to die Passing death
I like to feel life
Thumping in my chest
When I'm in the window
Singing until the end of my breath
Playing on tears and breathing
Dancing to forget the worst
Fuck simply for pleasure
I like to feel my body
Sliding between my fingers
If I forget, you're leaving
I'd like to take off again
Before we change scenery
Before we go to the box
Before slipping under the press
Fight, fight, fight
Rise like the street rises
I love you, I recognized you
I know, it's all in the look
Love, madness, the blues
You look like an angel
On the banks of the night
And the music flees
I am only a mongrel
Who provokes trance
I dive and I ©lance
At the bottom of the precipices
Go to the end of your madness
Become famous or banished
Be taken down or flourish
Fight before you die