Böhse Onkelz hippies

Here are new pious songs
From the angels in civil
Nothing is sacred to us
No swipe too many
Here are rhymes from life
Songs like hurricanes
Rhythms that move the country
More than just harassment
Go to heaven with us
We pave the way for you
We open your eyes
We show you how it's done
Here are the uncles
Buckle up
Why do you want to run
If you can fly
Here are new messes
From the enemy number one
/>You should reward us
otherwise you wouldn't have any
Yes, we are bringing this country
a little closer to death
We are spiritual seducers
Head twisters
What takes a long time finally becomes good
Because we have never been better
You don't hear us by chance
We are sharper than your knife
Liquid madness
A sip of poetry
You'll never forget an overdose of Onkelz
An overdose of Onkelz and you have to go to therapy