Böhse Onkelz zu nah an der wahrheit

We don't know each other
But we are familiar with each other
Somehow kindred spirits
Even if you don't believe it
Maybe I'm standing in front of you
And you don't recognize me
Does it matter
We saw the same light
We're like you, believe it or not
Sooner or later, we'll get you too
We're too
Too close to the truth
Too close to life
Too pushy to be
You don't hear us casually
We want everything or nothing< br/>We challenge you
Look the truth in the face
This band has something magical
It captivated me
And the same way I felt
>It happens to everyone at some point
It's like a virus
And once you're infected
Everything else doesn't matter
And it lives unabashedly
It's our fate, wherever Would I be without her?
Where would you be - In this race without a destination?
We are too
Too close to the truth
Too close to life
Too pushy to be ignored
You don't hear us casually
We want everything or nothing
We challenge you
Look the truth in the face
It's a magical theater
Food for the soul
Something that drives me
Maybe the reason why I live
Is there anything more beautiful
Than this Sharing songs
Experience them together
Laugh and cry together
We are like you, believe it or not
Sooner or later, we'll get you too
We are too
Too close to the truth
Too close to life
Too penetrating to be
We are not heard casually
We want everything or nothing
We challenge you
Look the truth in the face