Bifröst raue see

A storm is approaching on the deep sea,
The mate shouts it from the mast tower.
The horizon is black,
The sun has disappeared, gold!
Defy the storm and hold your ground ,
until you reach the saving land.
Hold the rope, defy the wind,
plunge into the danger blindly!
Don't give up, the goal is close:
The country, it will be so wonderful!
The waves hit meters high,
A hole appears in the sky.
Heavy rain falls loudly,
falls cold and stinging on the Skin.
A strong man stands at the helm,
steers this boat through the storm.
His face turns pale as chalk,
when a blankie breaks with a crash.
Despite all his manpower,
he can't hold on.
So the sea washes him overboard,
out into the wide sea!
You're barely swimming for your life,
/>to surrender yourself without strength.
The need seems great at first,
the sea is a beautiful death!
The view clears up!
The sea becomes quiet !
Not far away a land appears,
unexplored and unknown !
Unexplored and unknown - this is our new country!