Bifröst tor in eine neue welt

They have committed a lot of crimes against you,
They have stabbed you in the heart many times.
So you put up a wall,
To protect you from all this yoke.
You created a wall within yourself Shadow,
to bury yourself.
You were so tired of life,
It was broken - your happy mind.
Your happy mind was broken.
Slowly the world is ending,
as the gaping wound becomes deeper.
You feel like something inside you is breaking,
the last light now goes out.
You lie here bleeding,
Now that you're at the bottom you realize.
All meaning is lost here,
So your heavy chin falls back.
You want to escape into loneliness,
Sink in your heartbreak.
But at the last moment,
a supporting hand reaches into your neck!
The pain stops, your heart becomes warm,
you hesitantly reach for yours Poor.
Slowly you sit up,
and look up to salvation.
A blazing fire is yours,
The wedge of ice has melted away.
Gone away is the wedge of ice!
Melted in the fire,
what was once frozen,
you feel like a new person!
Arisen from the shadows,
you fight back up.
You've endured bad times,
Now open the gate.
The gate to a new world,
where sunlight illuminates the land.
The gate into a new world,
where all the darkness finally falls.
You've been longing for it for a long time,
You were almost weaned off your own happiness.
You had almost forgotten how beautiful it is,
The joy in your heart, without shadows and without pain.
You had almost forgotten how quickly everything blossoms,
When your frozen heart glows as warm as the sun!