Big Dumb Face mighty penis laser

You can never see it
I keep it in a jar
You can not escape it
Not even in your car
It is not a mineral
Animal or plant
You will never find it
Don't try because you cant
Make it so it hurts your face and touch it
It burns out your eyes
Do not breathe around it
Sniffle, squeeze or cough
If you were to touch it
Your skin would sizzle off
Make it so it hurts and touch it
Spank it till it stinks and touch it baby
It's the mighty penis laser
The cause for every scream
It is better than anything you've got
Cause it's made out of a laser beam
Now is when the horror will be truly felt and
The sick smell of death will soon be smelt
It is a laser beam
It will never be seen
And it's zit is far more flameable than gasoline
Make it so it hurts your face and touch it
Spank it til it stinks and touch it baby
It is incapable of reasoning
This is the part where we sing
It's the mighty penis laser
The cause for every scream
It is better than anything you've got
Cause it's made out of a laser beam
Mighty - Penus - Laser