Big Mama throw away

Where are you right now, are you not in pain
The words I’ve placed in my heart I want to tell you
But I can’t grab you nor can I see you
Am I not able to go a little closer to you
Deep inside my heart keeps looking towards you
I think I’ve become like a doll that can’t speak
My longing heart I fold up and try to send away
So familiar with love, my throat keeps getting parched
If pain is to find you again and you become weak
Just try to smile once even though you still don’t have a love
Your emptiness deep inside that’s not healing
My greed of not being able to send you away
You just keep getting worn out, I couldn’t hold onto you
Even though my heart is aching, I’m such a fool
My longing heart I fold up and try to send away
So familiar with love, my throat keeps getting parched
If pain is to find you again and you become weak
Just try to smile once even though you still don’t have a love
Your emptiness deep inside that’s not healing
My greed of not being able to send you away
You just keep getting worn out, I couldn’t hold onto you
Even though my heart is aching, I’m such a fool
This is something everyone goes through at least once in their life
At first I didn’t think I’d hurt either
Seeing myself hanging in there each day
I tell myself I can’t ever meet you ever again
Your emptiness deep inside that’s not healing
My greed of not being able to send you away
You just keep getting worn out, I couldn’t hold onto you
Even though my heart is aching, I’m such a fool