Bigbang the third act

In the third act
Where the good guy
Is beat to the ground
She rose from her chair
With a stiff smile
In a tight dress
We’ve seen her before
She went for the door
Why do all her men
Make old scars seem fresh again
In the third act
Where the good guy
Is nowhere around
But a stranger
With the same lips
Her fingers once felt
Thought she could melt
Why do all her men
Make old scars seem fresh again
In the third act
Where the good girl
Is beat to the ground
With a stiff smile
In a tight dress
We’ve seen her before
She went for the door
In the third act
Where the good guy
Is beat to the ground
Hey kitty kitty cat
Climbing a tall tree
Scared to come down
Stay clear high wires
Hey midnight flyer
You can’t go around
So close to the ground