BjÖrn Afzelius hog tid

Now it blows cold over the neid, there comes an icy wind
It sneaks into my cabin, and the stinging wind rustles my skin
It brings with it the echo of voices we thought we had silenced for good
And the stench from wide-open graves at the bottom of the vampires' castle
The fascists are roaring on the TV, the racists are shaking my gate
The Nazis are clamoring around the house, and the slogans are creeping in
The demons are howling in the yard, a ghost gives throat to my wind
And the werewolf howls in the cellar. It's pure cacophony
It's time to set boundaries
Time to speak up;
Time to show who you are
It's time to take responsibility
Time to raise your voice;
It's time to choose a path
You can't lock yourself in and say you don't know anything
You can't turn your back on them and say you don't see anything
You can't keep quiet and hope that the evil ends by itself
Because silence has always been the fool's best friend
Yes, it's time to set boundaries
Time to speak up;
Time to show who you are
It's time to take responsibility
Time to raise your voice;
It's time to choose a path