Black Magik corporate metal

Drop tune
Sing that chorus soon
Click tracks
Get that agent off your backs
Here’s the part you scream
Living the metal dream
Corporate metal
Ain’t no metal
Corporate metal
Ain’t no metal
No solos
Single for the promo
Cut and paste
Lifeless and safe
Here’s the part you scream
Living the metal dream
Corporate metal
Ain’t no metal
Corporate metal
Ain’t no metal
Shitfaced beats
Bitches write your tweets
It’s so heavy
Heard that ten times already
Here’s the part you scream
Living the metal dream
Corporate metal
Ain’t no metal
Corporate metal
Ain’t no metal
Pro tools
Auto tune for the fools
Product line
Whore it out one last time
Here’s the part you scream
Living the metal dream
Corporate metal
Ain’t no metal
Corporate metal
Ain’t no metal