Black Market Aftermath pretty rad

Honey, all the money we saved
I'm gonna get a gun to kill some time…
Or I could shoot it twice in my face,
would you help me on the second fire?
I will drink some poison
and dance all night
drown into the river set myself to fire
when the death will show up
I'll be alright
And she will be ashamed 'cause I'm pretty rad
find me 'cross the river
grab my bones to feel 'em
give me a chance to be a man
or I will hang me now
hassle you somehow
jump under a train
or die in a big way….'cause I'm rad
I will drink some poison
and dance all night
drown into the river set myself to fire
when the death will show up
I'll be alright
And she will be ashamed 'cause I'm pretty rad
will you find me 'cross the river
grab my bones to feel 'em
give me a chance - to be a man
or I will hang me now
hassle you somehow
jump under a train
or die in a big way….'cause I'm rad
Rolling over, bending over
hang in over all
until I save my mind
And get things fine
Let me drive until the road is clear
then I will preach - and fear the sober God
and pour him scotch
Telling him the names of all
religions we made
the wars that we make
and lies that we ate
Rolling over, bending over
all this and that
I should hang me right now
but fuck, I'm pretty rad!
I'll drink poison
and dance all night
drown into the river set myself to fire
when the death will show up
I'll be alright
And she will be ashamed 'cause I'm pretty rad
Find me 'cross the river
grab my bones to feel 'em
give me a chance - to be a man
or I will hang me now
hassle you somehow
jump under a train
or die in a big way….'cause I'm rad.