Blake Ruby ideas etc

The world is changing and it scares me every day
It seems that I can't open up my mouth and say
Anything that's on my mind
For fear of scaring them away
Because it's true
So for protection I put all my eggs into
The black bottomless basket hidden underneath my heart to keep from
Losing all the precious things that make me who I am
And losing you
Maybe my perception is misdirection truthfully
But it isn't news to me that all I am is someone used to
Put you up upon a pedestal of popularity
Only to fall
But that isn't all that I'm worried for
Because these thing that I've been thinking bout
Can't keep me off my floor
These things I'm thinking bout can't happen anymore
Or else were doomed
The world is changing and it scares me every day
It seems that I can't open up my mouth and say
Anything that's on my mind
For fear of scaring them away
Anything thats on my mind