Blossom Dearie plus je t embrasse

The more I kiss you, the more I like to kiss you
The more I hug you, the more I like to hug you
The passage of time cannot change anything
My heart beats when you go away
But everything is fine when you come back because
The more I kiss you, the more I like kissing you
I can't do without it
I want it so much that I forget everything in life
I love kissing you all the time
The more I kiss you, the more I love kissing you
The more I hug you, the more I love hugging you
The passage of time can't change anything
My heart beats when you leave
But everything is fine when you come back because
The more I kiss you, the more I love kissing you
I can't get enough of it
I want it so much that I forget everything in life
I love kissing you all the time
The more you love me, the more I love you
The more I love kissing you