Blue Cat Groove too much talk

My eyes are wild
My heart's wide open
My eyes are wild
My heart is wide open
The piper is calling and calling but I aint going.
There's too much talk and not enough walking
Yeah there's too much talk and not enough walking.
Under my feet I can feel the whole world turning
The years march on and it's always the same
We reap what we sow.and we sow it again
Takes all you can muster to hold on and stand.
Keep your eyes on the sky and wait for the rain.
Well there's too much talk and not enough walking
Yeah there's too much talk and not enough walking.
Under your feet can't you feel the whole world turning
Yeah, there's too much talk and not enough walking
Yeah there's too blabbedy blabbedy blab blab blab and not enough walking.
Under your feet can't you feel the whole world turning
Yes under your feet can't you feel the whole world turning