Blue Sky Pie the sun is always shining

We think the universe is such a friendly place
We see no enemies and so we’re free to find the kindly space,
Where we can all pull together ‘til we pull this whole thing off
Yeah, if we each lift a pebble we won’t have to blast the mountain top.
Happy smiling super challenge wish upon a star show,
Everybody’s super balanced peace is a go.
I’ve got two cookies so I’m giving one away,
Cuz everything tastes better when we share like water, air, and cake.
We’ve shared the dirt and air with Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, and Mohammed,
Mary Magdalene, Gandhi, and King, Rosa Parks and sweet John Lennon.
And when the sun shines (the sun is always shining),
The sun shines on everyone.
Yeah, when the sun shines (the sun is always shining),
Sunlight shines a mighty smile on everyone.
Fun monk he told me we are all here through the kindness of another,
So pass it on just like a song from one brother to another.
Yeah, we are all fellow travelers making our way ‘round the same sun,
Teacher, doctor, nun, mother, trucker, fireman,
It’s one for all and all for one.
Sunlight shines a mighty smile on everyone...