Bluvertigo niente x scontato

I often observe phenomena, and wonder
Things that happen around me, and marvel
I think that nothing is certain, we have to ask ourselves why
And, whenever possible, find the answers
The foam of the sea waves, the concept of a suction cup
The salt that dilutes, the fruit that turns black
The spider and the cobweb, the origin of headache
The dog friend of man, hell and paradise
Sometimes we take for granted that Pythagoras was in tune
Others we take for granted that those who are successful deserved it
/>Nothing is taken for granted, nothing for granted
Sometimes we take for granted that the future must be known
Others we take for granted that a guilty person should be punished
Nothing is taken for granted, nothing is given
It is difficult for me to get to the answers
I have always had low grades in scientific subjects
But I was wondering what the real mechanism was
Of multiplication and raising to power
The foam of the sea waves, the weight of an electron
Respect for institutions, hair loss
Sometimes we take for granted that Pythagoras was in tune
Others we take it for granted it is assumed that you know what you have learned
Nothing is taken for granted, nothing for granted
Sometimes we take for granted that those who start well have already arrived
Others we take for granted that if it costs a lot and is delicious
Nothing is taken for granted, nothing for granted
Sometimes we take for granted that an opponent must be eliminated
Other times we take for granted that an anniversary must be celebrated
Not we take nothing for granted, nothing for granted