Bobby O roleplay

Roleplay, roleplay)
(Roleplay, roleplay
Roleplay, roleplay
Roleplay, roleplay
Roleplay, roleplay, roleplay)
The other you is the other me
Pretending to be what they want us to be
To everything extremely
Roleplay, you're playing a role
But when you play that's when you whole
Roleplay, you're playing a role
And when I look at you I see life's soul
(Roleplay, roleplay
Roleplay, roleplay)
A million different people live inside of you
And I will be a feature and that is true (???)
To everything extremely
Roleplay, you're playing a role
But when you play that's when you whole
Roleplay, you're playing a role
And when I look at you that's when I know
(Roleplay, roleplay)
Roleplay, you're playing a role
I know
Roleplay, you're playing a role
I know
Roleplay, I know