Bobs mopping mopping mopping

My, I'm Large
Mopping, Mopping, Mopping
Hurricane Bob is petering out
And Charlotte's on the way
She's taking Amtrak
And I'm mopping, mopping, mopping
My Ford Fiesta floats O.K.
It's in the garage, not in the bay
And Charlotte's on the way
And I'm mopping, mopping, mopping
Oh, no
Charlotte's on the way
Oh, no
Must it be today?
She puts the mascara on the eye of the storm
The lines are down -- Bees are beginning to swarm
Help me, Help me!
And Charlotte's on the way!
And I'm mopping, mopping, mopping
Oh, no
Charlotte's on the way
Oh, no
Must it be today?
Oh, I gotta
Keep on mopping
Gotta clean up
I gotta, I gotta, I gotta!
I am a palm tree
But I'm down on my knees with the last of the sponges
I don't think that I can take it
Oh, no
and Charlotte's on the way
And I'm mopping, mopping, mopping
Oh, no
Charlotte's on the way......