Bongo Botrako gira la vida

After the wine, the chopitos and the bravas,
the afternoons in Albaicín.
After parties and hangover Sundays,
after sleepless nights.
After so many hours stuck in the van
Looking for the dream with you,
listen friend, the great story begins today,
of what is left to live.
We took a hundred thousand turns and we got here
and today we are all here, no one is going to sleep,
enjoy the moment, because it will not be repeated.
Life spins
Start again
Give it joy
To spin spin spin.
After the neighbors and the buckets of water,
seeing the moon smile,
after the lips are lost in nothingness,
like the foam that vevi.
After they told us that we would die of hunger,
after seeing them say nothing,
after seeing that it is not so bad to be wrong,
after I am happy with everything.
We took a hundred thousand turns and we got here
and today we are all here, no one is going to sleep,
enjoy the moment, because it will not be repeated.
Life spins
Start again
Give it joy
To spin spin spin.