Bongo Botrako give us your love

Give us your love
Every day an opportunity
to receive love and to give
Look around you without fear
it is everywhere
Give a smile without hesitation < br/>imagine your ideal life
The pleasure is yours
and the duty to love you
Those people who want to sing with me
give us your love
Those who come from far away, our neighbors
give us your love
Give your love without asking who
give us your love
Give us your love without asking why
give us your love
Forget yesterday without resentment
breathe and live in the present
Taking care of your inner light
so that it does not remain absent
Sighing all the passion
learning from each heart
Starting a new dream
be careful not to let them stop you
Those people who want to sing with me
give us your love
Those who come from far away, ours neighbors
give us your love
Give your love without asking who
give us your love
Give us your love without asking why
give us your love
Don't look at us, join us
don't look at us, join us