Booba ma definition

We push a little sideways, skate, BMX then fuck the RATP, all to the rhythm of rap music;
My youth was the color of the trains, RER C during the journey I tried to break through, proud to be one.
We cultivate our anti-cop or gendarme hatred so we become bosses in the handling of weapons.
My people destroyed, only temporary until the rebellion of Africa and the Antilles.
It's 9 ze-dou we, we is small, we want to fuck Paris, we know nothing and there are plenty of things to take,
And then you learn, quickly with the blows, come back with your balls, your friends, hit with your elbows.
It's pushing like a nettle among the roses and there are too many so I call my Khros brambles.
It's a state of mind that only bends if I eat dandelions.
Don't take orders from either the kids or the teachers.
Hateful, from us comes the word poisonous.
The street advises, the judge often consoles you.
Soft drug or it's the bug, the street picks up and kills you;
So let it be I shoot qujmassomme at the tuh tuh! !
Grill but I deny it, here the hynas have a badge, and I hope it's not one of us who will serve as a wildebeest.
Madness, blood, melancholy, rap, red thread, risks and sound, my definition.
I come from Hauts dSeine, Obscene is my style, my behavior.
I am unstable on the microphone, and in the street I live any way.
Jmen beats the race except friends, family and cash
You need mesh, lots of dsky, you have to get it, right?!
Listen, enjoy my flow, son, because I don't need sponsors,
Rap , my crew and vice, that's how I came out.
Known for killing M.I.C. from here NYC.
Blood, risks and sound, my definition.
My definition, I always want more, I don't wait for their fucking pay or their fucking bust.
Rebellious! I'm doing underwear because I want to see this country in underwear.
I wanted to know why Africa lives