Book On Tape Worm poltergeist

I must be a masochist
To go on like this
I guess it's something I've learned
You were my return address
The place I'd go, I called you home
But that house is now burned
You said you were mine, just to remake
Like asking me dance and then breaking my leg
I'd hop next to you if you'd want me that way
I'd crawl next to you if you'd want me that way
I must be a masochist
To go on like this
Something is wrong
You must be a poltergeist
to be haunting my memories
And ending up in my songs.
I must be a masochist
To go on like this
I guess I'm found
And you saw me at my worst
and never my best.
And that was my one regret.
You saw me at my worst
and never at my best.
And that was my one regret.
But I still haven't been able
To forgive you.