Boreal Sons midnight mass

On the night your hair licked up the flames of silver candles
you were holding as you prayed, holding as you prayed
I was bowing my own head and trying to figure out just how to say
you're beautiful, I couldn't find the way
lifted up my eyes and saw you burning through the blackness,
and I couldn't look away, I couldn't look away.
Yellow tongue of holy fire resting on your head,
but there was nothing I could say, nothing I could say.
In the cathedral on my knees
Praying burn all the numbness out of me
I'm the blind man in the pew
my hand outstretched to memorize you
hoping to recall what it was to see,
searching through the smoke and smoulder
rising from your neck and shoulders,
I can almost feel, I can almost feel
In the cathedral on my knees
praying burn all the numbness out of me
In the cathedral on my knees
praying burn all the blindness out of me