Borsato Marco door jou

Borsato Marco
The Truth
Because of You
I had everything together
the whole book was finished and I was done
Then you walked into my life< br/>Minus became plus and plus became minus
Because of you
My whole life has been turned upside down
And without you I will never recover
I know no longer myself
And nothing is familiar anymore
That's all because of you
Built a wall brick by brick
I thought everything was good, but that was wrong< br/>Home was safe, nice to be alone
But you walked right through everything
Because of you
My whole life has been turned upside down
And without you I come never recover from it
I don't know myself anymore
And nothing is familiar anymore
That's all because of you
All nights are light
Even with me with my eyes closed
Everything that was dark
Has gone away
I see the stars again
For there are no more clouds
They have left
When I saw you standing
Because of you
My whole life has been turned upside down
And without you I will never recover
I don't know myself anymore
And nothing is familiar anymore
It's all
Because of you