Bound for Ruin meant for better

I carry these tired bones… one more time …strong and proud .
Lost in their “purity” they stand high on judgement , unaware rebel cause is the same …in a way .
It’s all the same to me you treat pride like a casualty .
You walk the line strait and thru the centre .
I grow I change embrace me
I feel re-arranged embrace me
I will face the day embrace me
I will face the day embrace me
No longer you and me. I am a one man army .
This war is fought for my sanity… in a way
I grow I change embrace me
I feel re-arranged embrace me
I will face the day embrace me
I will face the day embrace me
I carry these tired bones… one more time …strong and proud …..strong …and…proud
we were meant for this !
don’t you think we were meant for better ?