Brel Jacques la lumire jaillira

Brel Jacques
The Light Will Gush
Words: Jacques Brel
Music: Jacques Brel and François Rauber
(c) Ãditions M.C.A. Caravelle Music France
1 The light will shine
Clear and white one morning
Suddenly in front of me
Somewhere along the way
The light will shine
And I will tell her back
To have her so many times
Every day I hope for
The light will shine
And to see her so beautiful
I will know why
I needed her so much
The light will shine
And we will get married
To be nothing but a fight
To be only a song.
2 The light will shine
And I will invite it
to come under my roof
To transform everything there
The light will spring forth
And already modified
I will confess to him with my finger
The furniture of the past
The light will spring forth
And I will have a Palace
Doesn't everything change
In the July sun
The light will shine
And my whole house
Sitting by the wood fire
Will learn his songs.
3 The light will spring forth
Dotting my silences
With smiles of joy
Which die and begin again
The light will spring forth
That eternal traveler
My heart searched in vain
And who was in my heart
The light will spring
Retreating the horizon
The light ¨ere will spring up
And will bear your name.