Brett Basil melt

viewing lyrics for melt by brett basil.
its not his pose or magical glare
theres somethin deeper inside there
its something more than meets the eye
something that you cant analyse
there is something about him-that puts you in a deep spin
it sends your heart a-flutter--and melts you down like butter
there something deep inside his soul
something striking unnamed unknown
and it makes you loose control
cuz when u get around him-he just makes your head spin
he melts you down til you splatter-you couldnt be knocked flatter
you cant define it even if you tried
that certain something he possesses inside
all u know is you wanna hit
everytime he shows up with it
its unexplainable how-he makes you melt right down
your like ice in his warm hands-your melting down for this man
2014 brett basil music / b.m.i