Bristles last time we won t do that chief

being on time, in work suits and all - its the last time, chief
stay the entire shift, do as were told - its the last time, chief
taking breaks as scheduled and agreed - its the last time, chief
always happy faces for the company - its the last time, chief
its the last time we wont do that x 2
again, chief
giving it all we've got every day - its the last time, chief
pay in sweat, earn our pay - its the last time, chief
clock in, clock out, just our own cards - its the last time, chief
not doing anything to jeopardize these jobs - its the last time, chief
its the last time we wont do that x 2
again, chief
only work related calls
on the company's phone
we're here to work
bring home the bacon
not once, not twice, we're telling you now
its not too late, there were never anything to discuss
yea, we hear you, but we're not listening
you don't know, we know, we know
oh no, oh no
its the last time, chief