Brock Zeman 10 dollars a dime

If I had ten dollars and a dime
If I had ten dollars and a dime
Then I'd forget all of my troubles
With a bottle of red port wine
Cause feeling better swims in a tin cup
Ya, feeling better swims in a tin cup
It'll ease your weary and worried mind boy
With only a couple of drops
Girls at the barroom are always on my mind
Girls at the barroom are always on my mind
I ask to sit down at their table
And they tell me they don't like my kind
I know a woman who's rowdy and rough
I know a woman who's rowdy and rough
The only time she'll say no is
When you ask her if she's had enough
This whole town is steeped in sin
This whole town is steeped in sin
If I keep up with all this drinking
That undertaker's gonna be a busy man
The devil wears a red suit and walks with a cane
The devil wears a red suit and walks with a cane
Now you just tell him you never saw me
If he comes ‘round asking my name
The meaning of life is simple and plain
The meaning of life is simple and plain
The scarecrow whispers it to the corn field
Each and every time it rains