Brutal Attack aryan child

Child awake now for your mother she does call
You must suckle at the breast for you to grow
Untouched by blind faith you so fair and white
Your mother she loves you gave birth to your future light
So wake from your bed and raise your head
Aryan child listen to what is said
So raise your hand and learn to love your land
For the white revolution needs your uncorrupted hand
The miracle of life is in you and when you grow
Your parents will guide you keep you on the straight narrow
White pride and truth is all that you will hear
So when you grow you’ll fight for your nations needs
Child awake now for your lands been robbed and sold
By men of high finance the truth you must be told
What your ancestors fought for sacrifice untold
Has all been stolen by bankers of the Jewish fold
Now Aryan child the map is set out right
The best it will be done for you but it’s only a guiding light
Getter your wits and the youth within your fold
So you’ll achieve victory for White Power and the glory it holds
Innocent one your life has only just begun
But you will live to see the new dawn the rising sun
Those spirits above Odin he watches you now
For when the sun rises to Valhalla you will go