Burrows Band Montreal loan from the earth

Modern research clearly shows
nutritional value of money is low
they say it talks, but it's not alive
I'd rather spend dimes and save my time
it's customary to return what you borrow
a loan from the earth collects a lot of sorrow
the less you consume, more you replace
you'll see your surroundings instead of waste
You can worry all day about the world ending
or you can dig down in that dirt and start the mending
keep some bee's and recieve the gift of honey, honey
nature works for free so you can keep your money, money, money, money, money!
To treat dirt like dirt should be a crime you know because
dirt is cleaner than the conscience of those
who look at a field and see condos, sprawl ugliness row upon row
The Cree had it right with their prophecy if we keep on spreading like a disease we'll all dissapear and go extinct and then what good will our money be?
You can worry all day about the world ending
or you can dig down in that dirt and start the mending
keep some bee's and recieve the gift of honey, honey
nature works for free so you can keep your money, money, money, money, money!