Burzum illa tidandi

Then Hermod rode his way and came to Asgard and told all the news that
He had sat and heard. Next, Esir sent all over the world to proclaim that
Baldr was proud of Helja. But everyone made a pat, the men and the women and
The earth and the stones and wood and all the ore, so that you will have sent that
These things are grateful when they come from frost and heat. When the messengers went to
Heim and tried to conduct their mission well, they found us in the cave where Gygr
Sat. Her name was Pokk. They ask her to thank Baldr or Helja. She says:
"Pokk will appreciate the purring words of Baldr the Balfarar.
Kyks ne daud nautka I karl's son: haldi Hel pvi who has".
Most people have done bad things to Asum".