Bushido jenny

I thought I had buried him deep
I thought yes, this
pain that almost made me die
Would never harm me again
I thought I was finally healed
But I stroke the scars just when
I'm writing for you
The memory hurts them
You took me as I am
I often wished back then
We'll always stay young
No worries, lots of fun
Done and stupid laughed
Had weed and made out
You were like a buddy, darling
Remember back
We were like pot and lid
Your mother said
Never go and meet a Muslim
What can I do about it?
Mum wants me right away because my
tattoo doesn't fit into the family picture?
Unfortunately She was just too often in the way of this happiness
She ruined it
Look how I glue the pieces'
I became aggressive, I started to freak out
You did went along with it and I took it out on you
Say, why didn't you ever open your mouth?
I was just young, I was stupid
I gave a shit
How I would love to
turn back time now and take a small
part of my happiness
Do you see how I'm breaking inside?
Spà Do you feel this pain? It hurts
And damn it, I'll never understand it
Say, how could I let you go?
It's hard for me to eat
/>How could I make such a mistake?
Do you see how I'm breaking inside?
Do you see my suffering now? It hurts
I'll never fucking forgive myself
How could I let you go?
I'm having a hard time sleeping normally
How could I make such a mistake?
Yesterday it completely tore me apart
I realized how much I miss you
And I, an idiot, also threw away the last
I'm not worth it, I've destroyed so much
I heard you have a boyfriend
My heart will never be yours again
It's a stab in the heart
I swear I'll kill him
You died
You only live in memories
I just hope that I see both of you Never see each other
Swag, haven't I bled enough?
I'll stop begging you
I'll stop asking if you'll forgive me again
I'll never ask again
Jenny, are you free today? It's a vicious circle
I don't deserve this
Say, why are you doing this? Didn't I love you?
I know that your mother spits all over that kind of shit
That's why you forgot me, like at the push of a button
And that hurts like hell, no matter how gay that sounds
It's not much, but there's still something good in me
Have you forgotten everything I've already done? Yes, I've already done everything Darling And think of me
Do you see how I'm breaking inside?
Do you feel this pain? It hurts
And damn it, I'll never understand it
Say, how could I let you go?
It's hard for me to eat
/>How could I make such a mistake?
Do you see how I'm breaking inside?
Do you see my suffering now? It hurts
I'll never fucking forgive myself
How could I let you go?
I'm having a hard time sleeping normally
How could I make such a mistake?