C.s.i. emilia paranoica

a more biting cold
dry and tense chords
signal your entry
into my memory
consume me destroy me
I haven't been bored in a while
I'm waiting for an emotion
increasingly indefinable
useless empty theaters could crowd in
if you proposed to act yourself
Emilia Paranoid
burn Tyre, Sidon the roipnol makes a mess
if mixed with alcohol
bombers on Beirut
two three four plegine
ask seventy-seven
if you don't know how to do it
E.MI.LIA .PA.RA.NOoi.oi.oi.oi.CA.
I can be a happy fool
a pre-politician a drug addict
a fashionable postmodern
the one who goes in the love story
the one who leaves because he is afraid
walking lightly satisfied with myself
from Reggio to Parma, from Parma to Reggio,
to Modena, to Carpi, in Carpi at Tuwat
Emilia of stupid nights dissolving
disappearing one by one helpless
in a new place of the A.R.C.I.
Emilia of restless nights to fill life
Emilia of quiet nights
in which seduction is sleeping
Emilia of nights I remember
without happiness returning
Emilia of nights of waiting in which I no longer know
which love of mine that does not die
and it is not you
I'm waiting for an emotion
ever more indefinable
ever more indefinable