C.s.i. irata

the humoral looming of the affections of the blood
the humoral looming of the ideas of the instances
the insolent, solemn, silly, vacuous promise to be self-sufficient
I will never go back to where I already was
I will never go back to before, never
the humoral looming of the ideas of the instances
the humoral looming of the affections of the blood
if I could tell you what I can't even write to you I would hesitate
in doing so< br/>today is Sunday tomorrow we die
today I dress in silk and white
today is Sunday tomorrow we die
today I dress in red and love
. .despite every strenuous decision or vote against I find myself
embarrassed, surprised, hurt by an angry feeling of worsening
that I don't know how to talk about nor do I know how to ask questions...