Cabrel Francis la fabrique

My grandfather was a sailor,
He must have died on an island,
My father had a farm,
And I am his only daughter .
I ran away with this thug
From a nearby village,
Today he is choking on his alcohol,
And leaves me alone
With our three kids to feed.
At the factory it's not easy,
It's not very hard either,
But it's these hours that de are spinning,
And then this clock on the wall.
The first dream that passes
Helps it last until noon,
Where I have a few minutes of space
To have a sandwich,
Drink a coffee, and sit down.
Otherwise it's me and the machine,
Until the siren decides,
Until the end of the afternoon,
Until the end of my life.
Despite myself my heart turns away
Towards this house in the land,
Where I spent so many years of love
dancing on my father's arms.
These stories of lost sailors,
These storms on Lake Erie,
These ships forever disappeared,
With their large sails
Like pieces of sky.
Yes but it was my life that was ruined,
And it was me who was wrong
To leave this factory
To use my body well.
I'm going to go home this evening,
I'm going to look at my hands,
I'm going to tell myself that at least once
I wish I had the chance
To go further.
But I will work here
And forget everything I wish,
Maybe never meet
The man whose name
Is on the label.
It will be me or the machine
Until the siren decides
Until the end of the afternoon afternoon
Until the end of my life.