Calee Reed what heaven feels like

Running Barefoot
freckled faces holding hands,
with you.
Fireside stories
tiered eyes fall asleep
in your arms.
Being in this place and feeling you close by my side,
this must be what Heven feels like,
Heven feels like you woth me my dearest friend.
Heven feels lik never being apart again.
God must feel this way as we come home to Him
This must be what heven feels like.
Older now and I'm back where we held hands,
but you're gone.
Memories chase me the way you used to in the sun.
Being in this place and feeling you close by my side,
this must be what Heven feels like,
Heven feels like you woth me my dearest friend.
Heven feels lik never being apart again.
God must feel this way as we come home to Him
This must be what heven feels like.
The seasons change
But the pattern stays the same
What's winter now will be springtime again
My broken heart will eventually mend.
We'll be together, forever.
Going on and on and never end
Heven feels like you woth me my dearest friend.
Heven feels lik never being apart again.
God must feel this way as we come home to Him
This must be what heven feels like.