Calibre 50 el buen ejemplo

Son, your birthday is coming
my beloved child
what are you going to ask for
it is your sixth anniversary
what have you imagined
can you tell me
Maybe it's a video game
maybe maybe a European tour
you can ask for whatever you imagine
there's no need to argue about the tickets
Old lady, bring me a Buchannan's
and a notebook to organize
my boy's party
many guests, the band playing
You know, my child, that I love you
you also know that I am dying for you
You can invite your friends
Tell me, my child, I want to listen to you
I thank you, my daddy
I have everything, and I want something more
Something that I admire you so much
I like your style, well you tell me
I want a bulletproof vest
a cannon, launch grenades
squadron, pull a horn
like you You do it to celebrate
I felt a stab wound
that even torture could withstand
when I saw the Damned Example
that I give to my son, I started to cry
What awaits you in your life
with that suicidal mind
I'm retiring my friend
although I must deprive myself of luxuries
Tomorrow I'm looking for a job
fattening pigs
carrying mezcal
violence must stop
no more crime
an example must be given
I prefer to lift boats
than lift a Christian
No more horn in my hand
I want to offer a long life to my son
The former narquillo says goodbye
I'm leaving for other lands
with a child and wife
I want to start a new life
I already explained it to the boss
and he managed to understand me
He gave me a ticket and a hug
he told me good luck boy
you have more courage than everyone
It is a good example that things are going well for you..